Friday, January 27, 2017

27 January 2017 - intake manifold images

Driver side intake manifold

Passenger side intake manifold

Passenger side intake manifold

Passenger side intake manifold

Passenger side intake manifold

Passenger side intake manifold

Driver side intake manifold

Driver side intake manifold

Driver side intake manifold

Thursday, January 26, 2017

26 January 2017 - Engine

The engine builder stopped by yesterday evening and picked up the engine.  Hopefully by the end of next week he will have the engine repaired and ready to install.

Fortunately it doesn't take long to install a small block ford in a 60's era car.  I should be able to re-install the engine with a day of getting it back from the engine builder.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

22 January 2017 - Engine Removal

Today the engine/transmission have been removed.  The engine is bolted to an engine cradle with wheels.  The transmission is sitting in a home made cradle.

Tomorrow I will call the engine builder and have him stop by and pick up the engine and get things going.

22 January 2017 - Internal images of engine...

22 January 2016 - Engine Removal - Reference pics for TDC

After the engine builder stop by saturday we took a look at the engine.  I showed him what the oil looked like the first few minutes the engine ran(maybe 2 minutes total run time per try, for a total of 5-8 minutes of total engine run time).

The oil has a distinct greenish color to it(read that as ALOT of coolant in the oil).  That oil is what was emptied from the oil pan.

So to get that oil completely out of the engine I had to change the oil two more times, and each time prime the oil system to purge as much contaminated oil as possible.  By the the third oil change the dipstick looked like it should and the oil in the pain looked good.  I also drained the coolant system as much as possible to try and prevent further cross contamination.

Anyways, after removing the intake manifold the engine builder could not see any issues with the intake manifold and gaskets.  So the problem appears to be the head gaskets or the water pump/timing cover gaskets.

Since he said that, he recommended removing the engine.

So that means the engine/transmission must come out.

Yesterday I started the process of removing the engine/transmission.  Today, the engine/transmission is ready for removal, but we have some seriously bad weather.  Four bolts and I can get it all out.  But I will wait for the weather.

Monday, January 16, 2017

16 January 2017 - Engine

I contacted the engine builder today and explained what is happening with the engine.  He agrees that there is some kinda coolant leak but doesnt have any ideas as to what.  We discussed options and he will come over to my house next saturday and get a first hand look at the engine.

I drained the coolant, removed the carb and prepped for next saturday.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

15 January 2016 - Engine

After all of the time and effort put into getting the Merc road worthy, the engine that was recently rebuilt has major build issues.

The engine was statically timed, all fluids added.  The engine would start and run but would not run very long it would just stall after running for 1 minute.  I though maybe the fuel system was the problem, and checked the fuel pump and it was able to draw fuel and pump very well.  Fuel lines and tank were ok too.  So continued with starting the engine but again over and over it would run for about a minute then stall.  Checked the oil and discovered that there was coolant showing on the dipstick.  Drained the oil and there was so much coolant in the oil that the color of the oil was a dark green!!!!.  I used a bore scope and found water/coolant in every cylinder...

Drained the oil and all of the oil had the dark green color.

Concerned about the damage coolant can cause, I did two oil changes with filters to finally get as much coolant out of the oiling system as possible.  I pulled the distributor and manually powered the pump with a drill to circulate good oil throughout the oiling system.  I sprayed WD40 in all cylinders.

Hopefully these steps will prevent damage to the engine until the coolant leak is resolved.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

12 January 2017 - General

Checked the battery to make sure its ready to start the car, installed battery.  

Checked fluid levels of transmission, engine oil and cooling system.

Attempted to start engine but mechanical fuel pump would not self prime.  Nearly drained battery, removed and recharged.

Monday, January 9, 2017

9 January 2016 - General

While I am waiting for the three cluster gauge to arrive, I removed the mechanical water temp sensor and re-installed it.  I used RTV blue sealer on the threads of the brass manifold adapter and the fitting on the sensor.  I'll put coolant back into the system on the 11th.  If it doesnt leak, I will move on with getting the engine started and break in the engine/transmission.  If it does leak I'll replace the old gauge set with the new one.

Also if the tranmission lines/fittings leak I will see about getting a flex line kit with AN fittings to replace the factory hard lines that run from the transmission to the radiator cooler.

I picked up a remote starter switch to allow for starting/cranking the engine while in the engine bay area. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

8 January 2016 - General

The water temp sensor fitting is still leaking just a drop or two even after being tightened down as much as it has been.  I ordered a three gauge instrument cluster since I will be replacing the water temp sensor and gauge, might as well start off with the same brand of gauges.

Heres a pic of the 2 5/8" gauge cluster to be installed.

7 January 2016 - General

The thermostat housing has a water temp sensor fitting.  The fitting has been wrapped with teflon tape and screwed into place and the sensor installed.  The fitting is leaking, I'm in the process of tightening it down to stop the leak. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

4 January 2016 - General

  • primed the engine oil system.  Used an electric drill with an oil pump driver to pressurize the oil system.  On the low setting the oil system pressurizes to 50 psi.  Found out the mechanical oil gauge was leaking at the gauge. Had to remove and re-install the compression fitting to resolve the leak.  Checked the oil pressure sensor and fitting they were not leaking.  Also the valve covers did not leak.
  • checked the coolant hoses, and so far no more leaks, looks like fittings/clamps are now tight enough.
  • currently the car needs gas, so the fuel system can be primed.  After that I believe I can start the engine.

Monday, January 2, 2017

2 January 2017 - General

  •  installed front bumper assembly
  • installed front valance panel(had to re-align driver side fender to properly install valance panel
  • install grille center piece
  • filled crankcase with 5 quarts engine oil and filled oil filter with oil
  • filled transmission to full on dipstick(4 quarts), still need to fill with 4.5 to 5 quarts
  • filled cooling system with three, one gallon containers( still needs more) of 50/50 coolant
  • installed rubber fuel hose from fuel pump to chassis fuel hard line

  • prime oil system
  • "burp" cooling system
  • charge car battery



Sunday, January 1, 2017

1 January 2016 - General

  • re-checked all connections and fittings 
  • installed wiper/washer foot pedal assembly 
  • re-check electrical connections for gauge cluster 
  • installed passenger and driver side fenders 
  • installed passenger side and driver side headlight grille assemblies 
  • installed grille deflector 
  • setup for installing the front bumper assembly


  • install bumper assembly
  • install grille center piece
  • install front valance panel
  • install wiper nozzles and hoses
  • install windshield wipers