Sunday, October 4, 2015

4th October 2015 - Intake manifold installation/removal

Removed the intake manifold.  Looking at the intake gaskets I see where one coolant port looks like it leaked into the cylinder head.  The other coolant ports seem okay.

The manifold is a PITA to clean up!  Brake cleaner did an excellent job of removing most of the grease/oil/rust layers.

Isoprooyl alcohol seems to be a pretty good cleaner.  It removes fiber gasket material very well.
Surprisingly this bathroom cleaner with bleach made clean up a bit easier...

This works very well on grease/oil inside the intake manifold!

Use this general cleaning/soaking...

I used this initially, but it just does not clean as well as the bathroom cleaner!?!?!?!?

The part number for the cylinder heads is M-6049-Y302.

Here is a link to the cylinder head from Ford M-6049-Y302 

I bought four bolts to use as guide studs when I re-install the manifold.  Bolt size is 5/16 -18 x 3.

I also bought some bolts and fasteners to mount the battery tray.  I removed it to take care of some rust on the tray and in the area where the tray is installed.

Look up "right stuff" for installing gaskets.