Saturday, July 30, 2016

30 July 2016 - brakes

Picked up the power booster today.  It looks exactly like the installed unit sans mounting plate(of course).  So I ordered a mounting plate and seal from WCCC.  It should arrive sometime next week.  So for now I will focus on cleaning and painting the engine, transmission, brackets, harmonic balancer and anything else I find.

Painted the harmonic balancer, ignition coil bracket and crankshat bolt & washer.  Still need to do touch up paint on the engine but the car cannot be moved from the garage until the brake system is finished.  I am waiting on a booster mounting bracket and seal, once those arrive I can install the booster then master cylinder and then I can safely move/park the car.

Need to clean up booster mounting location

old and new boosters

new and old booster reference images

New booster will get painted VHT Chassis Black

Reference image

Need to clean that area up.  I will use rust remover/inhibitor on those components and area.