21 December 2016 - general stuff
After I installed the u-joints, I noticed there was very littel free play in the joint rotation of each of the u-joints. I thought maybe I had not properly installed the hardware so I took the driveshaft to a local transmission shop. The owner showed me that although the u-joints were properly installed, the bearing cups were not completely seated and that was causing the apparent binding. To properly seat the u-joint bearing cups the mechanic used a hammer to tap the u-joint collars at each end of the driveshaft. Doing that released the tension the bearing cups were under and properly seated the bearing cups allowing the u-joints significantly improved movement.
- Tightened/torqued the sway bar mounting brackets and end links
- torqued the lower control arms to 85 ft-lbs
TODO for tomorrow:
- install transmission vacuum hard line and rubber hose to vacuum modulator
- install shifter linkage
- install driveshaft and torque to specs