Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 November 2018 - fuel pump replacement / test drive

Today I started and ran the engine to test of fuel leaks at the mechanical fuel pump and at the carb.  No leaks or issues initially, but then I found the fuel pump pressure gauge port had a small leak.  Adjusted the gauge and that took care of that leak.

I noticed that at idle with the replacement pump, the fuel pressure was extremely stable and was about 6-6.5 PSI.  The old pump would indicate pressure from 2-5.5 psi at idle with the needle moving rapidly.

After a few minutes of the engine idling in the driveway and no leaks encountered, I went for a drive.  I drove about 10 miles in stop and go traffice and on a couple long of back roads.  I didnt have any sudden shutdown issues at this time.

I also noticed at speed that the engine was no longer missing/stumbling randomly.

This is a pic of the fuel pressure at idle with the new mechanical pump

This video is at idle, new mechanical fuel pump

This is a visual check of the primaries at idle, to check for bleed over.  There was not any, so its looking good that the mechanical fuel pump pressure is goooood.

This is after the engine was idling.  This was a visual check to see if the primaries would be bleeding over after engine shut down and there were no issues.