Saturday, January 19, 2019

19 January 2019 - Choke cable installation

Finally installed the choke cable assembly and setup the Edelbrock 1405 manual choke.  The installation took about 40 minutes and included adjustments and testing.  The 1405 works flawlessly with the choke cable.  Pull the choke, start the car and it idles up and stabilizes like it should.

The copper piece was used to keep the choke from closing.  It worked very well and did  not cause any issues.
The cigarette lighter was removed a long time ago and is the perfect spot for a choke cable.  I drilled two small holes to mount the choke cable bracket.

The empty hole on the left there, with a small grommet, is where the choke cable will be installed.
Here, the cable is installed and connected to the carb and choke mechanism.