Sunday, February 10, 2019

10 Feb 2019 - thermostat replacement

For some reason, the thermostat that is installed, slowly warms the engine up.  The thermostat is a 180 degree unit.  I decided to replace it today and install a Motorcraft 180 degree part.  If that is still too cool, I aslo have a 192 degree Motorcraft thermostat that I can install.

At this point, the thermostat and housing, hoses/clamps are installed.  I am letting the RTV cure overnight and tomorrow I will fill the cooling system and road test.

It is a 180 degree thermostat.  It starts to open at about 165-168 and is fully open by 180
Thought I would test the unit before installation.  It worked like it should, so it was installed.
This is the RTV I used for this installation

This is the thermostat that ran very cool, it is a 180 unit but ran more like a 160 degree unit

This is the thermostat that ran very cool