Sunday, September 4, 2016

4 Sept. 2016 - Car parts

I found a local source for 67 Mercury Cougar parts.  The parts car has been sitting in a salvage yard for some time.  I called and talked to the owner hoping he had a particular piece of hardware that mounts the front fender to the frame.  He thought that he might have the part so I obtained directions to his yard and drove there.

After talking with the owner and taking a closer look at the car, it didn't have the part I was looking for, but the car did/does have quite a few parts I can use.

This export brace was something I eventually wanted to install.  But since it was in the parts car and it was affordable, I bought it.

This grille assembly is for the passenger side.  It is a complete side.   Here its in pieces as I clean it up.

This image is of the bolts/nuts of the engine cross brace/export brace