Wednesday, September 7, 2016

7 Sept 2016 - Front suspension

I started the process of replacing front suspension hardware.  I have had this car since 2003 and have not replaced any front suspension components.  The passenger side tire has even wear but the driver side does not, it has excessive wear on the inner tire area.

So I will just go ahead and replace all of the front suspension hardware.

I need to replace;

upper control arms with ball joints, inner tie rods, outer tie rods, center link, lower control arms with ball joints, strut rods with bushings.

I can't seem to find an online vendor that has all of the components in one kit. 

I will clean up ball joint areas top/bottom before doing anything else at this point.  Have to get a spring compressor so that I can take things apart and determine what it takes to remove ball joint from upper control arm.

Just removed the idler arm, PB Blaster is awesome!

passenger side tie rod to center link - not looking too good after 40+ years

Driver side tie rod to center link

passenger side flex brake hose - need to soak that with PB Blaster for sure...

upper control arm ball joint

lower controll arm ball joint