I started the car and ran it for a few minutes to check for fuel leaks. Found a leak pretty quickly. At the fuel pressure regulator, the output port was leaking. The -6an male to 3/8" npt male fitting was leaking at the 3/8" end. It didn't matter how much it was tightened or how many times I removed it, to re-wrap it with teflon tape, it would leak within a 15 minutes or so. I removed it and used another -6an to 3/8 npt fitting and it worked without issues. I took a closer look at the -6an adapter fitting and cannot see why it leaks.
So after that, I let the engine run and warm up. I plugged in a vacuume gauge and at idle there is 16" hg. And its much more stable than with the Holley. The idle is also much smoother than the Holley. I really thought I had that Holley setup right.
I adjusted the idle mixture screws for best idle/vacuume and went for a drive. Seems to be ok, but it started to rain, so I headed back to the garage. First chance, I will do a proper shake down.
Throttle response is very quick/smooth with the 1405.