Yesterday the car completely shut down while driving at highways speeds(50-60mph). It ran with issues at 25-35 mph. Since it seems like something is shaking loose or moving at higher speeds. I'll do physical check of wires/hardware under the hood and also in the car.
I bought a replacement ignition switch and a replacement ignition cylinder with key. I have owned the car for 15 years and have not replaced it, so its probably original and needs to be replaced any ways.
Need to check neutray safety switch and adjust to specs before next test drive.
Also I will rebuild the holley and see if that takes care of the stumble without a load and with a load.
Need to check the wiring, if any that is near the accelerator pedal....
Dis-assembled the holley carb, cleaned all of the hardware and replaced all gaskets, seals and float bowl valves.
Noticed one of the main jets was partially blocked. Cleaned it and re-installed.
That was the only thing that I noticed during the rebuild process. Oh and the main carb to manifold gasket was fuel soaked...
I will make sure the float levels are correct after install, during the rebuild I did a quick adjustment and made the floats even with the top of the float bowl while it was inverted.
Also the power valve was replaced