Sunday, March 26, 2017

26 March 2017 - The Merc

Before starting up the car I installed the spill-less funnel to burp the coolant system.

The car started up like it should and turned off like it should, so it looks like the ignition switch was the problem.  While the car was running and then finally warmed up, there was very few bubbles even after the thermostat opened.  What I also noticed was that after the engine was warmed up, when I hit the throttle, a few bubbles would come out of the funnel.  The car did warm up fine and did not overheat at idle.  So I'm not sure what the deal is with the bubbles.  It could be a blown head gasket, so I am looking into that.  I did pull the plugs but they looked ok, no water/coolan.

I also noticed that the temperature gauge was not working after re-installation of the instrument cluster, so I had to remove it and check it out.

While removing the instrument cluster I damaged a wire to the left turn signal indictor on the instrument cluster.  I replaced that wire and made it about a foot longer to make getting the instrument cluster out the next time.  I also did a little troubleshooting to figure out why the temp gauge was not working.  I checked instrument cluster wiring and it was good, checked instrument cluster wiring to sender unit and it was good.  I also checked the sender and it had the correct resistance when hot, warm and cold.  So I put everything back together and the temp gauge now works and so far the other instruments and lights do as well.

While I was waiting for the car to cool off, I replaced the rear brake/turn lights with LED bulbs.  They look ok.  The one I received from WCCC is the brightest so I will be buying 5 more of those.

I also replaced the front interior courtesy lights with white LEDs and they look good.