Today I received a couple of parts from WCCC that I have been waiting to purchase for some time.
I ordered a trunk lid seal and rear view mirror mount.
While I was doing a bit of corrosion control on the trunk lid I noticed that the trunk lid seal was in very bad shape. It was dried and cracked along the entire seal. So now I can remove and replace the seal.
Also the rear view mirror mount is in pretty bad shape visually. For some reason there is ALOT of corrosion of the interior chrome trim and hardware. Now I can replace it with a very nice and shiny part.
The rear view mirror mount is held in place with three sheet metal screws. While removing the old unit I discovered that the top screw was glued to the headliner and was not fastened to the roof mounting point and that there is no hole in the mounting point. So now I need to drill a hole so the assembly can be securely mounted.